Happy Birthday

happy birthday

Today is my birthday and I have so much to be grateful for: my husband, my mom, my husband and my extended family, my friends. . .

My writing. Still hoping CHERRY will find the perfect agent and perfect publisher, and ALBERT, and SOULLESS and TWINK. Thankful to the young man who validated my work, and to all of my fellow writers and my friends and family who have supported and continue to support me.

My health, which I don’t take for granted, not for one second.

Finally, my hope, which has been tested this past week–the loss of so many, including mr kk’s mom–but hope endures. There is good in this world and today, sitting under my apple tree on my birthday, I am keenly aware of all that is loving and honest and good, and I’m thankful for every good person on this little blue planet, and every good thing.





9 thoughts on “Happy Birthday

  1. My sympathies to you and mr. kk on the loss of his mom. It’s never easy. Take care of yourselves.

    Happy birthday! I hope you find the perfect agent and the perfect publisher! I believe in you and I believe in your books ❤


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