kkellie, writer and all-around nice guy.

Hi, peeps.

The_Writing_On_The_Wall_-_geograph_org_uk_-_494178 Keith Evans Photo Attribution: Keith Evans

*BLOG Header Photo* Horseneck Beach, Westport, MA. Taken by Yours Truly.

Occupation of Yours Truly: Writer.

Location: Left of Center.

Favorite Books: Fine novels written by fine authors like Leonard (RIP, kind sir), Palahniuk, Koontz, Lamb, Straub, Hamilton. I think my own stuff is pretty good.

Official Introduction: Hi. I’m a writer.

Unofficial Introduction: Hi. I’m a writer. How the hell did that happen? 🙂

I was nineteen when I wrote my first novel, which currently resides someplace in the back of my bedroom closet, behind my tennis shoes.

Slight lag twixt my first novel and my second. First, that five-year, on-and-off stint w/ Chrysler Corp. working on various assembly lines; then, four-plus years of college earning a BFA degree; then, ten years working as a graphic artist; then, four more years of college pursuant of a State of Michigan teaching certificate, followed by seven years of teaching little kids whilst simultaneously earning a Master of Arts in Education–

*pause for deep breath*

–and then, just when everything was looking so hunky-dory, I tumbled off a small wooden chair and effectively ended my teaching career. Little did I know, a new chapter in my life was about to be written. Title? ‘Serious Novelist’. Money earned to date as such? ‘Zero’. But I’m hopeful. Because I’m an optimist. Except when I’m not.

I write literary fiction with elements of suspense. Or contemporary fiction. Gritty fiction with heart: The Lovely Bones meets Choke? EekOh, and I’m not a guy but I do say “you guys” a lot. 🙂

STATUS OF MY NOVELS, presented in chronological order:

GINGERSNAP: Crazy nested story thingie. Psychological Suspense. 54,000 words. Did I say crazy? Actually, quite insane. Status of novel as a whole: trunked atm.

SOMEBODY KNOWS SOMETHING: Suspense. 15,500 words. Twenty years after a little girl disappears, two strangers are drawn to her tragic story: one, desperate to uncover the truth; the other, desperate to keep it buried. . . Status: Published by Indie Novella, January 2022. (SQUEEEEE!!!!!!) https://www.indienovella.co.uk/product-page/somebody-knows-something

TWINK: Psychological Suspense. 51,500 words. Young man arrested for DUI is locked up overnight with a lunatic, or worse. Or much worse.  Status: In the que. 51,000 words.

MY FRIEND MIKE: Psychological Suspense. 61,000 words. Young woman, arrested for stabbing her stepfather to death, can’t remember the last ten yrs. of her life. Status: In the que.

CHERRY: Literary suspense. 78,500 words. Lonely, self-described selfish prick tries to save the life of an uncommonly sweet and naïve young male prostitute. Status: Complete. Periodic querying.

EFFIN’ ALBERT: Coming of Age/Suspense/Touch of Paranormal 72,500 words. Two young brothers try to stop a killer. Status: Complete. Periodic querying.

SOULLESS: Thriller with a heart. 76,000 words. A 13 y/o bully and his 9 y/o victim become unlikely allies when they stumble upon a murderer’s killing field. Status: Complete. In the queue.

(Tentative Title) MAXIMUM WHITE: (My first attempt at erotica, omg.) Two cpts. in. Status: Currently on hold.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/kinderkaren

Welcome to my little blog, you guys.  ❤

CONTENT PROTECTED  Unless otherwise credited, all blog posts and photos herein are mine. Nothing herein may be reproduced without the explicit written consent of kkellie. Thank you very kindly. Btw, Mrs Fringe’s CONTENT PROTECTED thingie gave me the idea for this CONTENT PROTECTED thingie. 🙂

I write like Chuck Palahniuk

I Write Like. Analyze your writing!

I write like Stephen King

I Write Like. Analyze your writing!

I write like J. D. Salinger

I Write Like. Analyze your writing!

I write like kkellie, dammit

I Write Like. Analyze your writing!

Questions? Comments? Concerns? :)