Novella Publication Date: January 26, 2022

As of last Wednesday, I am (officially) a “𝓟ປ𝒃ւĭꗟḩеd ĂປꚌḩ☉𝐫,”
to which I say SQUEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! and also, Oh shit.

Saying the former, because I’ve been querying for a while (aka YEARS)–even had a literary agent for a while do my subbing for me–with nada positive results if you consider, ‘Ok, we want to rep/publish your stuff’ as the only possible positive result (of course, some agents/editors really liked my stuff; they just weren’t confident they could find a big enough audience for my stuff and, ergo, SELL my stuff), until now, when Indie Novella (all hail Indie Novella!!!!) read my novella SOMEBODY KNOWS SOMETHING–

*pause for Shameless Plug*…

Somebody Knows Something E-Book

…and said, HELLZ YEAH we LOVE YOUR STUFF and we want to PUBLISH YOUR STUFF and (with your help we’re going to) PUBLICIZE YOUR STUFF and FIND THAT AUDIENCE…

Where was I?

Oh yeah. Saying the latter because, now that my little novella is officially “out there,” as they say, I must do my due diligence to get said novella reviewed, bought, read, reviewed, bought, read, etc., etc…

…So I tweeted about my little novella…

*pause for Shameless Plug*

…what was I saying?? Oh, right: I tweeted to promote my little novella, and I joined goodreads (hold on)…

…and Book Riot (, and I begged (aka “asked nicely in a very professional way”) for folks to provide honest reviews of my little novella, in exchange for (aka “I will bribe you now”) a pdf or e-pub copy of my novella, free of charge, folks if you will just, please, I implore you, read my little novella and review it on your blog or website or wherever the hell you are, I don’t care, I just need you to please and kindly do this tiny little favor for this very nice and humble debut author; just read the thing (only 15K words! So SHORT! You’ll be DONE BEFORE YOU KNOW IT!) and review it so maybe, MAYBE, somebody out there will read your very thoughtful and honest review of my novella and say to him/her/their self, “Hey, Self, will you look at that review? K.K.’s novella sounds pretty darn good! And what a VALUE!!! Let me plunk down the really inexpensive 4 bucks U.S. or what, 3 pounds U.K.?? Whatever it is, it’s not a lot and look what I’ll get for my hard-earned dough!!!!

File:Book of Hours (Use of Metz) Fol. 27r, Decorated Initials.tif

…okay, maybe not quite that, but still, something AMAZING…

Attribution: wardyboy400, Wikimedia Commons

…and also, not that but surely the IDEA of that, the CONCEPT of STORY which is that, the utter creativity of that and it will be right here in my hot little hands just as soon as I CLICK THIS LINK…

*pause for Shameless Plug, redundant now but what the hell*…

K.K. here again. May I just revisit that ‘oh shit‘ phrase one more time? Because I just realized something (okay, not ‘just;’ but I digress): in asking (begging, pleading) for a thoughtful and honest review of my little novella from the powers that be,

I may just get what I’m asking for, aka. . .

The Most Scathing Book Reviews of 2021

Questions? Comments? Concerns? :)