Future (im)Perfect



On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump becomes president. Amazingly, that’s the least of my worries right now.

I have worries. Join the club, right? Based on what happened last year, this year is going to be fraught with challenges, not only for my 85-year-old mom, but for me and my sisters, and for my husband’s family and his sweet sister, and for our dear friend fighting cancer, and for our newly-widowed neighbor. . .

We aren’t the only ones who woke this morning  under a shadow of uncertainty. Like I said, Join the club.

This new year, like every new year,  blossoms with a host of possibilities and promise. For that, I’m grateful. But for some, the days ahead are filled with uncertainty, and some will find themselves walking a rocky road this year.

Ahh, but life is like that: good and bad and everything in between. So we deal with it. We cherish the bright days and weather the stormy ones; try to keep our focus on the former and not the latter.

I could use this first blog post of the new year to catalog my own personal sorrows and fears. I could write a litany of my continued struggles relative to writing and querying, but I won’t do that. That’s not how I want this year to start; not for me, and certainly not for you.

Instead, I offer this, for all of us:


Happy New Year, everybody.

2 thoughts on “Future (im)Perfect

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